KRF Profiles - Amy

Hi, my name is Amy Yergen and I’m the new communications coordinator here at KRF. I’ve only been here for two months, but I’m already very excited about the program and pretty amazed at all the talent I’ve seen so far.

Something that’s really stood out to me is just how dedicated the relationship is between the students, the teachers, and their craft. The teachers care about their students, how they learning, if they’re doing well. They get up and perform together, and every moment that mentorship dynamic is at work.

The students are so excited to perform, to try new things. I met Matt, Brayden, and Christian on our Ukulele Extravaganza night. The three of them basically took charge of the event, and they were incredible. Matt actually played a song that he had written himself.

It really went beyond rote memorization, all three of them had completely internalized the music and were able to share it with us as something that was now a part of them. Rather than something they were just reading off the page.

Kids Rock Free® is special because of these relationships, because of the willingness of our teachers to offer their passion and in turn, guide the students in finding theirs. This dedication pushes our students’ youthful fervor and helps it grow into real art.